About Orphan Insight

About Orphan Insight

Mark Barrett established Orphan Insight in 2014 following 30 years’ experience working in the pharmaceutical industry with the last 15 years spent working with orphan and ‘ultra-orphan’ medicines specifically. Having established start-up operations, and managed global orphan product development, licensing and distribution mechanisms, experience spans across the breadth of the product life cycle.

From ‘Big Pharma’ to ‘Niche Biotech’, Orphan Insight provide focused support in:

  • Organisational structures and key personnel requirements
  • Pricing and reimbursement
  • Pharmacoeconomic evaluations, cost/burden of illness studies and systematic reviews
  • Market development and growth strategies
  • Market entry and access strategies
  • Tactical implementation plans
  • Stakeholder mapping and management
  • Political advocacy


Mark has had direct involvement & positions with the following:

Co-Chair, ABPI (Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry)
‘Orphan Medicines Industry Group’ (OMIG)

Chair, OMIG Liaison Group
A stakeholder group bringing together industry and patient organisations

Member of Management Committee of RDUK (Rare Disease UK)
RDUK is the national alliance for people with rare diseases and all who support them. It was established by Genetic Alliance UK, the national charity of over 160 patient organisations supporting all those affected by genetic conditions, in conjunction with other key stakeholders in November 2008

Co-Founder, EMIG (Ethical Medicines Industry Group)
‘Orphan Drug Group’

Member of NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) HST (Highly Specialised Technologies) Stakeholder Group
A stakeholder group reviewing and inputting into the development of the HST programme which now succeeds the work of the Advisory Group for National Specialised Services (AGNSS)

Sole industry representative on DH (Department of Health) Stakeholder Forum
For the development of the UK National Strategy for Rare Diseases (published Nov 2013)

Specialised Commissioning Parliamentary Group
A stakeholder group brought together to highlight key issues with specialised commissioning across the UK and meeting with members of parliament to raise these issues

Please contact us for further information.